(TV series) K (also called K Project) is a 2012 anime series created by the animation studio GoHands and GoRA, a group consisting of seven anonymous authors known as Kōhei Azano, Tatsuki Miyazawa, Yukako Kabei, Yashichiro Takahashi, Hideyuki Furuhashi, Suzu Suzuki, and Rei Rairaku. The series is directed by Shingo Suzuki, who also serves as its character designer. Gameroom Show repairs your antique slot machines from the 1900s to the 1940s. We repair Jennings, Mills, Watling, Pace, and other antiqe mechanical slot machines. If your antique slot machine is just sitting around not working, call us to obtain a quote or e-mail us at repairs@gameroomshow.com.
The name vitamin K comes from the German word 'Koagulationsvitamin.' Several forms of vitamin K are used around the world as medicine. Vitamin K1 ( phytonadione) and vitamin K2 (menaquinone) are.
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2. A symbol appearing next to a stock listed on NASDAQ indicating that the share being traded has no voting rights. All NASDAQ listings use a four letter abbreviation; if a K follows the abbreviation, this indicates that the share comes without voting rights attached to it.